I'm Shehbaz Jafri


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About Me

I'm a front-end developer. I also like to dabble with UI/UX designing.

I discovered programming through my love of video games as I got interested in learning the "under the hood" of it all. I pursued information technology and software engineering as my formal university education. During university, I got really interested in JavaScript, and since then I've been fully immersed with JavaScript and related frameworks. I have worked on Java and Node.JS back-end in the past, among other technologies, but recently I've been focusing mainly on front-end JavaScript/TypeScript, (sometimes Node.JS, as needed), working with frameworks such as React and Gatsby.

Now, I aim to continuously learn and grow as a software engineer and contribute to the tech community.
You can follow me on Twitter. I tweet about programming, things I create and things I learn. :)

Featured Projects

Pomodoro Clock

Pomodoro clock made with React.

D3 Visualizations

Graphs and Charts made with D3.js and React.


Calculator made with JavaScript and React. Implemented calculation algorithm using Reverse Polish Notation.

This Site

Portfolio site made with Gatsby. I will be keeping this site updated with new features and content. :)

Tree Traversal Animations

Animation of tree traversals (pre-order, post-order...) made with HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript.

Memory Game

Card Memory game made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

© 2021 Shehbaz Jafri